The Present Perfect Tense

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Assalamu alaikum bloggers...
lama tak bersua kali ini saya mau posting tentang hal-hal yg bermanfaat pastinya untuk meringankan beban tugas kalian nih, ( aeniiy baik yah :D ) krn yg gua posting ini sbenarnya tugas kuliah gua, tugas makalah klp, dan biasalah tgas klp tpi kerjanya individu :D ( curhat :') ) oke deh lansung aja yah smoga bahan dibawah ini brmanfaat buat klian semua  good luck :*.


Present perfect tense is used to describe the actions that have been carried out at a perfect time in the past. However, the idea is still in touch with the present (present). Therefore, the present perfect tense can not be equated with the past tense. Besides the present perfect tense more emphasis on the completion of an action performed by the subject and not on time completion..
1.      Positive Tense

Note :

I, You, They, and We use the word Have
He, She, It or the name of a single person using the word Has

Example :

·        I have read the book
·        She has gone

Other example :

·        I have written english lesson for 30 minutes
·        You have read my lesson since 2 PM

Note the verbs changes :

·        Write – wrote – written (change)
·        Read – read – read

Yes/No Questions for The Present Perfect Tense is :

Text Box: Has / Have + Subject + Verb III

Text Box: WH-Question + Has / Have + Subject + Verb III
Example :
1.    Has John traveled around the world?
2.    Has she read the entire book?
3.    Have you eaten?
4.    With who have you played?
5.    what have you done in there ?

2.      Negative Tense

The negative sentences in the Present Perfect Tense is made by adding "not" after the auxilary has / have, as seen in the following formula,

Text Box: Subject + Has / Have + Not + Verb III

The word "not" is placed after the verb form "have / has" so as to "have not" (haven’t), and "has not" shortened to (hasn’t)

Example :
  1. John has not traveled around the world. 
  2. She has not read the entire book.
  3. have not eaten.
  4. Someone has not stolen my book.
  5. They have not gone.

The Use of Present Perfect Tenses
Basically, use the Present Perfect Tense can be grouped into 3 categories:

1.  To declare that the event / activity already occurring / done at a non-specific (unspecified / indefinite time) in the past.
Example :
1.    John has traveled around the world.
2.    She has read the entire book.
3.    I have eaten.
4.    Someone has stolen my book.
5.    They have gone.

In the above example, we do not know when John jaunt into the world, when he was reading a book, when I eat, when someone stole my book, whenever they go. The emphasis is the event / activity has been going on / do.

2. To state the frequency (how often) events / activities happening / not done at a specific time (unspecified / indefinite time) in the past.
Example :
1.    I have seen the Titanic three times.
2.    She has fallen in love ten times.
3.    They have failed the exam twice.
4.    My car has broken down five times.
5.    Our dean has punished that very rebellious student three times
 In the above example, we do not know when I was watching Titanic, when she fell in love, when they fail the exam, when my car is broken, when the dean of student punish dissidents. The emphasis is how many times the incident / event occurred telahNo / made ​​from first till NOW, whether once (once), twice / two times (twice), trice / three times (three times), ten times (ten times), and so on.
6.    To declare that the event / activity continues to happen / be done starting from a certain time in the past to the present (now).
Example :
1.      I have lived in this house for nine years..
2.      We have studied English since a month ago.
3.      He has married her for nineteen years.
4.      Mr. Johnson has worked in the same place since 1980.
5.      She has waited for her boyfriend for an hour.

 All events / activities on the fifth example above is still ongoing until now disclosed (now). Events / activities such as these can also be expressed by the present perfect continuous tense without changing the meaning of the sentence.
Usage For and Since
For  the use of  the present perfect tense is the third, when events / activities undertaken by the subject expressed using for and since. For (meaning long) followed by the duration or length of time of the incident. For example: for thirty years (for 30 years), for ten minutes (for 10 minutes), for a week (during the week), etc. Meanwhile, since (meaning from) followed by when the event / activity begins. For example: since 1985 (since 1985), since January (since January), since two o'clock (from 2 pm), etc.         
Consider these five examples above. If for since replaced with, or vice versa, then the sentence above becomes:

1.       I have lived in this house since 2000.
2.       We have studied English for a month.
3.       He has married her since 1990.
4.       Mr. Johnson has worked in the same place for twenty-nine years
5.       She has waited for her boyfriend since an hour ago.

Using already and yet
Text Box: Subject + Has / Have + Not + Verb III

a.       Adverb pernyatakan already used to confirm that something has or has not occurred at a non-specific (unspecified time) in the past. Already (has / have) used in a positive sentence, while yet (yet) used in negative sentences or questions.
Already normally placed between the auxiliary (has / have) and verb3, but it can also be placed at the end of the sentence without changing the meaning of a sentence, as shown in the following formula:.

Subject + Has / Have + already + Verb III



Subject + Has / Have + Verb III + already


Example :
1.      John has already traveled around the world. Or John has traveled around the world already.
2.      She has already read the entire book. Or She has read the entire book already.
3.      I have already eaten. Or I have eaten already.
4.      Someone has already stolen my book. Or Someone has stolen my book already.
5.      They have already gone. Or They have gone already.

b.       Yet used in the negative adverb form (negative sentence) and interogative form (or questions), which are usually placed at the end of a sentence, as in the following formula:

Subject + Has / Have + Not + Verb III + Yet


In addition, yet can also be placed in the middle of a sentence (ie after has / have) with the following formula:

Subject + Has / Have + yet +  (to Verb I )

verb3 turned into infinitive (to + verb1). And, although there are no notes, this phrase means negative (meaning the same as if yet placed at the end of the sentence).
Example :
1.      John has not traveled around the world yet. Or John has yet to travel around the world.
2.      She has not read the entire book yet. Or She has yet to read the entire book.
3.      I have not eaten yet. Or I have yet to eat.
4.      Someone has not stolen my book yet Or Someone has yet to steal my book
5.      They haven’t gone yet. Or They have yet to go.

In the sentence asked, yet generally placed at the end of a sentence.

Example :

1.      Has John traveled around the world yet?
2.      Has she read the entire book yet?
3.      Have you eaten yet?
4.      Has someone found your book yet?
5.      Have they gone yet? etc.


From the above explanation it can be concluded that the present perfect tense in principle be used to:

1.      To emphasize ALREADY / YET. Have you eaten yet? (Have you eaten yet?)
2.       To emphasize HOW TIMES ALREADY. How many times have you eaten today? (How many times have you eaten today?).
3.       To emphasize DURATION event / activity. How long have you eaten yet? (For how long have not you eaten yet?